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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Key features of Moyea SWF to Video SDK
Moyea SWF online Converter - server solution of SWF to Video Conversion!Moyea SWF to Video SDK is a SWF Converter Console SDK, with it you can:
1. Convert local and online SWF to video files in any formats for developers' development goals
2. Convert SWF files which called through Parameter to video in any formats for developers' development goals
3. Support video resizing and trimming to meet specific needs
4. Support AVI with Alpha Channel conversion to retain the original transparency
5. Process 32 bits RGBA file for further edit in Adobe Premiere
6. Adopt Lower-Playback-Speed technology to achieve accurate audio and video synchronization and no frame loss
7. Adopt audio-extracting technology, instead of recording; to 100% keep the original sound effect
8. Support multiple SWF files automatic conversion
Main functions of SWF to Video SDK:
Convert SWF to AVI video
Convert SWF to MPEG
Convert SWF to FLV
Convert SWF to MP4
Convert SWF to iPod video (MP4)
Convert SWF to 3GP video (3GPP/3GPP2)
Convert SWF to PSP movie (MP4)
Convert SWF to Apple TV video (MP4)
Convert SWF to MOV
Convert SWF to WMV
Convert SWF to DV
Convert SWF to MP3
Convert SWF to AAC

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