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Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Key features of Moyea SWF to Zune Converter
SWF to Zune Converter - Powerful Flash on Zune Player Solution!Moyea SWF to Zune Converter is a handy tool that can perfectly convert Macromedia SWF files and Flash projectors to Zune video (WMV, MP4) for playback on your Zune. The Zune Video Converter is a professional tool for converting SWF to video for home use as well as for sharing with excellent picture quality and sound quality. Besides SWF to Zune video conversion, Moyea SWF to Zune Converter could enable users to extract audio from SWF files to generate MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A and AAC audio files.
With user-friendly and graphical interface, Moyea SWF to Zune Converter offers simple and swift solutions to head-ache problems in converting SWF files to Zune video, such as audio distortion, loss of frames, audio and video asynchronization, meanwhile, this program could process embedded or linked FLV in SWF files.
1. Synchronization of video and audio
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter does not play a Flash file twice, does not get audio by recording it, and does not capture video by playing Flash file in a normal speed. We adopt a technology of Lower-Playback-Speed while converting, and both extract audio and covert video just by playing Flash file once. Therefore, with this zune video converter, the synchronization issue does not exist at all regardless of your computer system configuration.
2. Smooth sound with high quality
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter gets audio not by recording it but by extracting audio from a Flash file. Extracting audio data can ideally retain original audio effects in generated video files. Besides, Moyea SWF to Zune Converter can extract or rip audio data from source Flash files and generate independent audio only files for PSP, iPod, etc.
3. Smooth playback of video and animations, and perfectly process interactive Flash file
By using a method of Lower-Playback-Speed while converting and adjusting converting speed according to different computers, our program does not lose any frame, does not change duration of any frame and can perfectly process most complicated Flash files. By doing so, Moyea SWF to Zune Converter properly realizes the WYSIWYG principle in Flash to video conversion.
4., Accurately keep original playback speed
With the technology of Lower-Playback-Speed, there is no need to add or cut off frames and the original frame duration can be kept perfectly. Thus you are enabled to retain the original effects of Flash in generated video and enjoy them on your portable devices.
5. Successfully process embedded Flash videos or linked Flash videos
Moyea Flash to Video Converter Standard completely complies with rule of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Therefore, any file that can be played by Flash player can be correctly converted by Moyea swf to Video Converter. One thing needed to mention is that FLV files using FCS/FMS (Macromedia Flash Communication Server, Macromedia Flash Media Server) include Nellymoser audio, a type of audio whose encoding method is not known by the world, and it cannot be decoded by any third-party program. But it can still be processed by our program without any problem. This offers solutions for users that use FCS/FMS.
Moyea SWF to Zune video Converter can perfectly process Flash and video files by multiple codecs, particularly Sorenson H.263, On2 VP6, and Nellymoser.
6. Audio recording and ripping function
This program makes it possible for you to rip audio data of SWF file to another independent file while converting SWF to a video format. The supported audio format includes MP3, AAC, M4A, WMA, WAV, etc. Besides recording and ripping, you can, too, convert SWF file to a single audio file.
7. Support batch mode conversion
Click on the Batch mode button, you will shift the program from single mode conversion to batch mode conversion. With batch mode, you can import multiple SWF files into program at once. All the settings for batch mode will be configured to all imported SWF files and are carried out in automatic way, that is, users could not interactive as freely as that in single mode. Batch mode conversion is not recommended to professional or advanced users, however.

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