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Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Version History of Moyea SWF to Zune Converter
SWF to Zune Converter - Powerful Flash on Zune Player Solution!Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.4.0
(Jul. 4, 2012)
1. Added support to Flash Player 11
2. Made improvement in its support to 64-bit systems
3. Adopted low-speed capturing technology to record HD videos from Flash with low CPU occupancy rate
4. Fixed the bug of failing to record sounds in some versions of Flash Player
5. Made improvement in coding efficiency
6. Fixed some small bugs
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.12
(Jul. 19, 2011)
1. Extended the max URL length of the imported Flash.
2. Fixed the bug that program can not be installed according to some customers' feedback.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.11
(Apr. 27, 2011)
1. Updated the profile settings.
2. Fixed the errors when converting some long flash files.
3. Fixed some tiny bugs.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.10
(Feb. 12, 2011)
1. Fixed flash downloader's problem of getting wrong URLs for some flash files.
2. Fixed flash downloader's problem occurred when invoking some web pages.
3. Eliminated H.264 encoder restriction that video width and height has to be 16x multiple.
4. Fixed the bug during MFZ0 encoder installation.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.9
(Aug. 02, 2010)
1. Perfected the register validation module.
2. Strengthened the further support to Flash Player 10.1.
3. Stabilized the output video quality for over-size SWF files.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.8
(Jul. 12, 2010)
1. Better performance on Vista and Win7 64-bit system.
2. Enhanced support to Flash Player 10.1 and the ability to handle flash with only still pictures.
3. Stable output for over-size videos.
4. Faster conversion and nicer program prompt.
5. The ability to precisely locate the Flash Downloader.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.7
(Sep. 18, 2009)
1, Fixed some bugs
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.6
(July. 31, 2009)
1. Fixed the problem of slow conversion caused by some CPUs
2. Fixed the bug of unabling to input SWF under the batch-conversion mode
3. Updated the operation of profile menu to make it clearer and easier to use.
4. Prettified the UI interface.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.5
(Apr. 29, 2009)
1. Fixed the bug that the front part of some flashes cannot be captured.
2. Fixed the bug which occurs when auto-generating output file name.
3. Added new option to choose for loop-playing flash or not when capturing. The flash will not loop by default.
4. Added new option to choose for capturing an extra segment at the end of auto-capturing to get better result from the flash files that has longer audio than video.
5. Support to import local flash files through URL.
6. Optimized the update system.
7. Added the procedure for conveniently grabbing SWF URLs on web page.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.4
(Feb. 7, 2009)
1. Added a SWF file for testing use, so that consumer who don't have SWF file can conveniently use the program.
2. Fixed the bug which occures when capturing screen of a flash whose video dimension is too small.
3. Fixed the bug which occures during the performance testing.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.3
(Dec. 26, 2008)
1.Solved the problem that some SWF files can't be fully coverted under manual mode.
2.Updated the low level lib,winning a faster and stabler conversion.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.2
(Oct. 28, 2008)
1. Modified the performance testing module to make it more accurate.
2. Modified the capture module to get a faster capturing speed.
3. Modified the encoder to get a faster encoding speed and a better output file quality.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.1
(Sept. 11, 2008)
1. Optimized coding module and made coding speed faster.
2. Optimized perferance testing module and made the calculation for capture speed more accurate
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.3.0
(July 16, 2008)
1. Made some adjusting for coding settings, and added output quality option.
2. Added a "Reset" function in options settings.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.2.4
(May 30, 2008)
1, Fixed the problem that extremely short SWF files would auto loop while capturing.
2, Added the option of whether to keep aspect or not while capturing.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.2.3
(Mar 21, 2008)
1.Added the detect function of disk space not enough and the file size of system fat32 over 2G when capturing
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.2.2
(Mar 5, 2008)
1. Fixed the bug of slowing some flash image
2. Changed performance testing mode to make easier operation and better precision
3. Changed the calculation way of capture so that performances are greatly upgraded
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.2.1
(Jan 31, 2008)
1. Added h.264 as one of the codec for the sort of MP4 flash video output.
2. Fixed the question of customizing the output video size in Pro and Standard version.
3. Added the choice of mute or not in the process of capture in non-Pro version.
4. Fixed some other small bugs.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 2.0
(JAN. 14, 2008)
1. Optimized the operation flow for customers
2. Added pause capture function
3. Added snapshot function in process of capture
4. Added re-performance testing and capture speed settings function in process of capture
5. Added "No performance testing" function.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.28
(DEC. 28, 2007)
1. Correct profile.
2. Add some more prompt message.
3. Provide some test resource.
4. Correct the examination for Flash Player.
5. Correct some other minor bugs.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.27
(DEC. 21, 2007)
1. Corrected and added some prompt message.
2. Improved batch processing for flash projector file.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.25
(NOV. 19, 2007)
1. Solved the problem of the incapability to save the settings.
2. Solved the problem of the output video discontinuity when the frame rate and the screen capturing rate are low under automatic conversion mode.
3. Fixed the bug of encoding error when the output file is WMV or PSP MP4 movie-only videos.
4. Fixed the bug of incorrect hint when the output path doesn't exist.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.23
(Sep 20, 2007)
1. under the batch mode, alarm for the flashes with small number of frames has added.
2. Have some default code modified
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.22
(Sep 12, 2007)
1. under the batch mode, alarm for the flashes with small number of frames has added.
2. Have some default code modified
3. the PSP Manager has updated.
4. the help file has updated.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.21
(August 22, 2007)
1, Fixed the bug that the program would get deadlocked when encoding WMA
2, Enabled the program to automatically shift the Pause status to Playback status when capturing the video
3, Added the snapshot function
4, Added the PSP Video Manager
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.20
(August 2, 2007)
Fixed the bug in audio capturing module, which would frequently cause failure in performance testing and video capturing
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V. 1.19
(July 30, 2007)
1, Fixed the bug that the program does not respond while testing its performance.
2, Fixed the bug that encoding fails when the user selects the original frame rate of the SWF file.
3, Added several types of uncompressed video encoder for the AVI output
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.1.18
(July 18, 2007)
1. Modified the UI interface of Export to make it more user-friendly.
2. Modified some codec settings.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.1.16
(June 10, 2007)
1. Added the function to drag FLV files into the program manually.
2. Added DV encoder to the generated AVI file.
3. Empowered the Converter to output DV video format.
4. Modified some of the settings under the "Export" tab.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter V.1.12
(May 18, 2007)
Moyea Software launches the SWF to Zune Converter to make it available for those who want to enjoy Flash files on their Microsoft Zune.
Moyea SWF to Zune Converter is a file format conversion tool to help convert SWF to MP4 and WMV for playback on Microsoft Zune.

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