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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
More test resources and info...

Why is Moyea SWF Video Converter the Only and the Best?
1. Support Flash (SWF) to AVI with Alpha conversion to keep original transparency.
2. Generate 32 bits RGBA file for advanced video edition in Adobe Premiere.
3. Offer manual mode for interactive Flash conversion, which can convert any complexities of SWF file.
4. Continually play and capture any frames of Flash (SWF file) file to convert.
More important:
Moyea SWF Converter family can perfectly convert complicated SWF files which many other SWF converters can not!
Actions speak louder than words!
Please download the following test resources to test & Compare Moyea SWF Video Converter with other SWF converter! (Currently, many swf files in the market belong to one of the types listed below)
1. Music flash controlled by script.
Beautiful.swf Download (542KB)
2. No end game flash file needs people's joining to play;
CrusaderTrank.swf Download (0.98M)
GangsterPursuit.swf Download (1.73M)
3. SWF file which are embedded some high clear video internally;
EmbedFLV.swf Download (14.1M)
4. SWF file which link external videos;
OutsideFLV.swf & OutsideFLV.flv Download (13.7M)
5. All test resources Download
To get the best output quality, please use Moyea SWF to Video Converter "Manual" conversion mode to convert these files, as the test resources above are a
little complicated. However, you'd find that even "Automatic" conversion mode of Moyea SWF Converter would get relatively better effect than any conversion
mode of other SWF Converters in the market.
More test resource is continuing adding; please continue to keep an eye on this page!
Click to know why .SWF file is complicated
Find the right product with our Product Features Comparison Sheet!SWF Converter Features Comparison Sheet: