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Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Summary for the events of the flash video player objectTutorial
Event | Summary |
onPlayPausePress | Play button or pause button is pressed |
onReplayPress | Replay button is pressed |
onStopPress | Stop button is pressed |
onProcBarDragStart | User starts to drag the process bar |
onProcBarDragging | User is dragging the process bar During the action of dragging, such event can be triggered many times |
onProcBarDragEnd | User stop dragging the process bar |
onMuteSwitch | Mute button is pressed |
onPlayStart | Control bar is initialized, and ready to play Such event is only triggered for the first time of loading, other moments like replaying won't trigger such event |
onMetaData | FLV with metadata will trigger such event when loading; the event object data info may include: info.duration: the duration of the video info.width: the width of the video info.height: the height of the video info.videocodecid: the codec ID for the video Video Codec ID possible value: 2: Sorenson H.263 3: Screen video 4: VP6 5: VP6 with alpha 6: Screen Video V2 info.audiocodecid: the codec ID for the audio Audio Codec ID possible value: 0 = uncompressed 1 = ADPCM 2 = MP3 5 = Nellymoser 8kHz mono 6 = Nellymoser info.canSeekToEnd: to see if the last frame is a keyframe info.lasttimestamp: the time stamp for the last frame info.videodatarate: the data rate for the video info.audiodatarate: the data rate for the audio info.metadatacreator: the creator of metadata info.cuePoints: the Cue Point list |
onPlaying | Triggered many times when playing |
onPlayEnd | Triggered when finishing playing |
onBufferEmpty | Triggered when buffer is empty Valid to type b file |
onBufferFull | Triggered when buffer is full Valid to type b file |
onCuePoint | Cue Point Event the event object datainfo includes: info.name: the name of Cue Point info.type: the type of Cue Point, event or navigation info.time: the time for Cue Point info.parameters["param_name"]: the parameters of Cue Point; param_name: the name for the parameters settings when encoding |

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