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Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Step 1: Add videos
After installing and launching Moyea Web Player Pro, you can add a video or multiple videos to the program in two ways, these added video/ videos will be played on the generated flash video player.
1. Click "Add Video" button to add a video/multiple videos from your computer hard disc or peripherals.
2. Click "Add URL" to link online video file from some certain websites. The video's absolute URL will be added to the program.
Step 2: Auto detection and manual detection (Optional)
Auto detection: If the flash video file is supported to play by generated flash video player, there would be a smile face icon in front of the video file; otherwise,there would be a red "x". Currently, videos in formats of FLV and MP4, MOV, 3GP, 3G2 with H.264 codec are supported.
Manual detection: To ensure that there is not any mistake from the auto detection function, it is recommended to manually double-click the file or click "play" button to test if the video file can be played or not. No playing for the video file means unsupported file for the generated flash video player.
If some imported files can not be supported to play by Moyea web player, do not worry! The program will show you solutions automatically.
Click button of the suitable program to convert the unsupported file. If you have installed the selected program on your machine, the click will directly open the program you choose; otherwise, the click will guide you to the website where you can download the program.
Step 3: Edit the target file (Optional)
If the file is supported to play by Moyea web player, then it can be played by generated flash video player on website.
Terms (The interpretations of some terms on the interface)
1. Capture Thumbnails: If there is an image you love, just click "Capture", choose a certain format like "JPG, BMP, THM from the drop-down list, you can capture it with ease. If you want to view, click "Open" button, you can open the folder to view it.
2. Caption: Specify a name for the pointed flash video file. Then this specified caption will be appeared under the correspondent flash video file over the web player.
3. Image: For each pointed flash video file, you can click "Browse" button after image to specify a certain image, so that it will appear as the first frame under correspondent flash video file in the play-list on the web player. Of course, the formerly captured thumbnails from each file are the best first frame.
4. Click URL: Set the click URL, with which the content linked. The URL will be opened when user clicks on the screen. e.g. click url "https://www.flash-video-mx.com".
Player Opts is: clicktarget
5. Click Targe: Specify the target window to show the linked content when user clicks on the video with link:
_self: show in the current window
_blank: show in a new window
_top: show in the top window
_parent : show in the parent window
Default: value is _blank.
click target="_blank "
It indicates to show the linked content in a new window with specific link, when user clicks the screen with click target.
Player Opts is: click target
6. End URL: The URL to be accessed when the video has finished playing.
Player Opts is: end url
7. Style of Target: Set the way to call "End url", possible values are:
browser: Use browser to open "End url"
swf: Load "End url" from Flash MovieClip
flv: Play the FLV file specified by "End url".
playerOpts is: styleoftarget
8. End Target: When "Style of target" is browser, "End target" is the window name to browse "End url".
When the value is swf, "End target" is the name of MovieClip that loads "End url".
When the value is flv, this property will be ignored.
playerOpts is: endtarget

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