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1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
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Summary for the methods of the flash video player objectTutorial
Methods | Description |
Play() | play the video |
Pause() | stop at the current frame |
Stop() | stop playing |
Seek(t) | Seek to the specific time of the video; t is double type |
SetMute(b) | Set the mute function; b is Boolean type |
GetMute() | Get the current mute settings; return value is Boolean type |
SetVolume(v) | Set the volume; v is integer type, ranges from 0 to 100, 0 is soundless, 100 is to the loudest |
GetVolume() | Get the volume settings; return value is integer |
GetState() | Get the current playing state; return state character string is "play", "pause" and "stop" |
GetTime() | Get the current playing process; return value is double type in seconds |
GetDuration() | Get video duration; return value is double type in seconds |
SetDebloking(l) | Set deblocking function;l ranges: 0: Let the video compressor apply the deblocking filter as needed 1: Never apply deblocking 2: Always apply deblocking (This methods is invalid to type a file, as the deblocking function is always applied in type a file) |
SetSmoothing(b) | Set the smoothing function, b is Boolean type (This methods is invalid to type a file, as smoothing function is always applied in type a file) |
SetVisible(b) | Set the player to be visible or not, b is Boolean type; when the player is set to be invisible, the function to automatically show the control bar if the player senses the mouse cursor will be disabled |
GetVisible() | Check if the player is visible; if the control bar is automatically hided and the control bar is set to be invisible, the return value is false |
SetEnabled(b) | Set to enable/disable the UI of the control bar; if the UI of the control bar is disabled, all the buttons above are disabled |
GetEnabled() | Check if the UI of the control bar is enabled or disabled |
SetColor(c) | Set the color for control bar; c is integer, e.g. 0xFF0000 is red; when c is set to be undefined, the control bar appears translucent |
AddListener(l) | Add event Listener object to Listener list; object l should implement method of onEvent (sender, type, name, info), and sender is the dispatcher of the event; type is event type, any events in Flash Video MX's player always havea type of "MoyeaPlayer"; name is the event name; info is the additional information for the event |
RemoveListener(l) | Remove object l from the Listener list, then the object l can no longer receive events. |
DispatchEvent(event_type, event_name, info) | Dispatch event; all the objects in the Listener list can receive the event; event_type is the type defined by the dispatcher; event_name is the name defined by the dispatcher; info is the data defined by the dispatcher |

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