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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Moyea Web Player Pro Template Settings
Choose suitable templates, preloader and make player settingsClick "Template" in the menu bar to set the detailed information of the flash video player.
Step 1: Style settings:
Currently, Moyea Web Player pro provides more than 30 different styles of player templates for web player, such as common, crystal, gentle, iron, plastic, youtube, simple, etc.
To choose any template style, you should firstly click "Style" tab, then click to choose the template you like.
Step 2: Flash Video Player settings:
Many detail settings can be realized in this step only with a few clicks for flash video player.Step 3: Background color and Preloader:
Easily specify a color as the background color for the web player. Directly click the color frame, then the match colors board will pops-up for you to choose background colors for the web player.
Click to choose one preloader from the box, then you will view the preloader in the generated flash video player.
Terms (The interpretations of some terms on the interface)
Select a flash player profile: You can select a player profile from the drop-down list to decide how the video files should be placed for easily and brilliant navigation, including default, default (video list style is" slider"), automatically load and play the movie, player over movie and automatically hide.
List and component: You can set the detailed information of video list, button, user define area.etc.
Skin settings: You can check to set whether to show player, mute, maintain aspect ratio, auto-hide mouse as well as something else.
Playback settings: You can set how to play videos here, including auto load, unload on stop, auto rewind, pause at first frame or at last frame.
Big play button: You can set the style and align of the big play button.
Replay settings: You can set whether to show replay here.
Advanced settings: Player extend, Movie ID, Play url can be set easily. Moreover, you can check "Event" to transfer the player event to fscommand or not, which allows web administrator have access to count the video view

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