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1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Version History of Moyea Web Player Premium
A graphical program for customizing flash video player for websiteMoyea Web Player Premium is a p
rofessional tool for customizing skinning flash video player for website, with which, every single aspect of flash video player can be configured on graphical interfaces with a few mouse-clicks. Below is this program’s version history.
Moyea Web Player V2.4.0.0
(Mar, 4th, 2010)
1. Begin to support irregular controlbar with more versatile styles which can perfectly overlap on the current video for aesthetic view.
2. Enhanced support to Moyea existing and upcoming "web-based" plugins.
3. Bug-fixings.
Moyea Web Player Premium V 2.0
(May 19, 2009)
1. Begins to accept addons to extend its capability.
2. Has more powerful functionalities on advertising and watermark.
3. Begins to support the playback of streaming videos, live videos, SMIL presentations.
4. Offers free version.
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.7
(Nov. 19, 2008)
1. Added watermark function to the program.
2. Add "stop ad" on the watermark settings interface fore easier advertise and watermark settings.
3. Added "autoChooseNext" for loop play.
4. Fixed some bugs.
5. Improved the program interfaces.
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.6
(Sept. 17, 2008)
1. Fixed some bugs
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.5
(August 18, 2008)
1. Added the function of inserting advertisements for the flash video file. The file types of flash video, SWF, and images both from local computer and URL can be easily inserted into the flash video files as advertisements for business use. And these added advertisements can be freely made many settings.
2. Added many professionally designed flash video player templates and preloader templates.
3. Added much more personalized settings
4. Optimized operation interface and made it much more intuitive and user-friendly
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.4
(June 30, 2008)
1. More fomats of GIF and PNG are added for saving the captured thumbnail under "Media" tab.
2. Made "Free Moyea Video4Web Converter" available for downloading and transfering directly.
3. When preloader is checked, the options of "Auto load" and "Pause at first frame" would be auto checked and locked; "none" checking would cancel the lock.
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.3
(June 20, 2008)
1. Added the options of the ways to display video list
2. Fixed some bugs
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.2
(May 23, 2008)
2. SWF file both from local machine and in the URL are supported to load in the user define area.
3. Fixed the bug that the player is unable to play the flash video which is linked by the URL under the "out file" publish form.
4. Fixed the bug that flash video did not locate in the centre when the value of user define area is "none".
5. Optimized the operation interface.
6. Solved the problem that the float preview window is unable to auto close when switch to other window page.
7. Solved the problem that flash video stops play when the program exit and choose cancellation
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.1
(May 16, 2008)
1. Fixed the length limitation of the file path when drag into the project file.
2. Fixed the limitation of unable to drag the video list frame.
3. Separated templates style code from the interface, and the registered users can free obtain source skin file.
4. "More Style" listed in the "Template" interface "Style" options is added to link to the correspondent web page.
5. Fixed the bug of pop-up video list after choosing noWatchBtn and completing playing.
6. Modify the option of "Navigation at end":
When "End URL" is swf, the page will turn to directly play the swf file to replace the player.
When "End URL" is flv, the player will directly play the FLV file.
The end progress button, pause button and stop button are invalid.
7. Add the "none" option to User define area. Program will auto default "none" options if users have canceled to add SWF file.
8. Under default condition, all settings and effects is changed to keep aspect.
Moyea Web Player Pro V 1.0
(Apr. 28, 2008)
1. Generate a SWF file as the individuation flash video player for the web
2. Player settings are changeable both from program and generated HTML file
3. Delete, add and replace flash video for player can be realized both by program and Xml playlist file
4. Provide diversiform player templates for choosing
5. Player mode and templates are changeable at random with the program
6. No amounts limitation refers to play flash video with a single player
7. Generated web player support play FLV, MP4, MOV, 3G2, 3GP, H.264 file
8. Advanced settings are allowed
9. Thumbnails can be captured for related flash video image

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