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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Solution of Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro
The Best & the Only SWF Converter solution for professionals!
1. What Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro can Do for You?
2. Total Solution of Flash to Video Conversion with SWF Converter
What Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro can Do for You?
Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro is a brilliant program which can conveniently convert SWF to video like converting SWF to AVI, SWF to AVI with alpha and convert SWF to audio and image formats.
Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro provides a series of perfect solutions for the following 6 headaches which other SWF to Video converters have to face. And those unique features make Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro an outstanding SWF to Video converter.
Solution 1 for Asynchronization of video and audio:
Moyea has adopted the technology of Lower-Playback-Speed while converting, and both extract the audio and covert the video just by playing the Flash file once. Therefore, with Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro, the synchronization issue does not exist anymore regardless of your computer system configuration.
Solution 2 for Low quality sound, jumpy sound, or no sound:
Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro does not get the audio by recording it but by extracting the audio from SWF file. Extracting the audio data can ideally retain the original audio effects in the generated video files. Besides, Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro can also rip the audio data from the source Flash files and generate independent audio files for PSP, iPod, etc.
Solution 3 for Jumpy playback, video with no fluid animations, or unable to process complicated Flash:
By using the technology of Lower-Playback-Speed while converting and adjusting the speed according to different computers, Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro can keep any frame from losing; keep the duration of any frame from changing. It can also perfectly process the most complicated Flash files. By doing so, Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro properly realizes the WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) principle in the Flash to video conversion.
Solution 4 for Inability to process embedded Flash videos or linked Flash videos:
As mentioned above, Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro completely complies with the rule of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Therefore, any SWF file that can be played by Flash player can be correctly converted by Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro, including the embedded flash video or linked flash videos(FLV).
Solution 5 for Inability to accomplish the Flash Alpha effect in the converted video:
Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro offers perfect solutions to retain the original Alpha Channel effect from the source Flash in the generated video files. This function is particularly useful for advanced users, developers and designers. The option "With Alpha" on the UI interface allows users to decide whether to keep the original Alpha Channel effect or not. We adopt the technology of pigment-analysis-comparison to perfectly accomplish the Alpha effect in the generated video files.
Solution 6 for Limitation of directly using Macromedia Flash MX or above to export FLA as video:
In Moyea SWF to Video Converter Pro, SWF files are completely in normal playback status (owing to the technology of lowering playback speed). All the features of the files are well-performed. Therefore you can get the complete WYSIWYG effect and retain those features and effects in the converted video files.

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