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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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Web Player Premium
Web Player Premium Overview
A graphical program for customizing flash video player for websiteMoyea Web Player Premium is a graphical program for customizing skinning flash video player for website, with which, every single aspect of flash video player can be configured and previewed with mouse-click on graphical interfaces. Besides customizing flash video player for web, Moyea Web Player Premium also can be used to add advertisements inside or over video for playing on website to earn cash.
The flash video player customized with Moyea Web Player Premium support playing streaming videos and flash videos (FLV, H.264 coded MP4, MOV, 3GP and 3G2) which 98% of all internet users can view with Adobe flash player. And in order to make player users playing all kinds of videos on website with the customzied flash video player, Moyea Web Player Premium provides a free video to flash video converter.

- No any coding needed, only a few mouse-clicks needed to customize skinning flash video player for website to play streaming videos and flash videos.
- It’s easy to run your own advertisements and branding your own web flash video player.
- The customized flash video player can be modified on graphical interfaces or with flashvars code.
- The customized flash video player supports to play live videos, SMIL presentations and streaming videos from multiple RTMP servers.
- A large number of player skins are available for choosing, and offers a free FLA projector file for customizing skin.
- Since version 2.0, the capability can be extended with addons.
- Provide free and full version.
- More...

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